2 Menu Commands

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Administrative commands

These commands require a connection to the Internet. "Visit Web Site" opens your web browser to the Fragmalyzer web site. "Check for Update" checks the web site to see if a newer version of the Fragmalyzer is available, and if so, offers to download it and handle the upgrade automatically.

File menu

New Browser
Creates a new (empty) browser window.


Displays all fragments in the chosen file (shared library or application).
Note: You can also drag-and-drop most kinds of files directly onto the Fragmalyzer icon in the Finder to open many more files than show up in the Fragmalyzer's Open dialog.

Open Context

Opens a context-browser window, that displays all fragments in the chosen context (a context is associated with a process, except for the system context, which is a kind of global, catch-all context).
Note: Only processes that have fragments will appear in the Open Context menu.
Tip: Hold down the option key to view background-only processes.

Fragmalyze menu

Finding imported libraries

Find library
Finds the selected library.

Find minimal set
Finds just those libraries that are required by the fragments in the browser window.

Find complete set
Finds all libraries, required or optional, used by the fragments in the browser window.

Browser display

View exports/imports
Displays symbols exported by the selected fragment or the symbols imported from a specific library by the selected fragment.

Show more details
Shows more/less information about the selected fragment.

Modify fragment

Share/Don't share data across processes
Toggles the data section of the selected fragment between process-sharing and global-sharing. This is a power tool that most users will not need; it should be used with caution.

Weaken/strengthen link (libraries)
Changes the link strength to the selected import library (weak-linked means that the library is not required for the fragment to run).

Warning! Weakening the linkage may require a modification to the fragment source code (to check that the library was loaded, before referencing a symbol imported from the library).

Symbol menu

Weaken/strengthen link (symbols)
Changes the link strength to the selected import symbol(s) (weak-linked means that the symbol(s) is/are not required for the fragment to run). If the library is weak-linked and a symbol is also weak-linked, then the fragment can operate without the library or with a version of the library that does not export that symbol; if the library is strong-linked but the symbol is weak-linked, then the library must exist and be loaded, but the symbol need not be exported by the fragment (this is usually not desirable, but it can be useful).

Warning! Weakening the linkage may require a modification to the fragment source code (to check that the symbol exists before referencing it).

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